• Published March 1, 2017
  • 2 Minute Read

CHRO 3.0: Preparing to Lead the Future HR Function in Asia

Published March 1, 2017
CHRO 3.0: Preparing to Lead the Future HR Function in Asia


The HR function in Asia is unable to keep up with the rapidly changing business environment. Only one in 5 leaders claims that their HR function in Asia is future-ready.

The challenges that the function will encounter in the next decade are mainly due to increasing workforce diversity, increasingly fluid talent, changing expectations from business, and new organization structures at play.

HR leaders are unanimous in their view that the function will evolve into a very different ‘avatar’ 10 years from now, especially around the broad role HR will play, deliverables HR leaders will be held accountable for, and the delivery model. HR’s responsibility set in the future may become more multidisciplinary as hard lines between different functions will diminish. The delivery model of the much leaner future HR function will depend heavily on technology and outsourcing/shared services.

HR leaders opined that the career path of future CHROs will be similar to that of current CEOs. There will be a premium on key skills and capabilities such as understanding of technology and analytics, familiarity with multiple disciplines, ability to manage change, and commercial acumen. To build such skills, incumbent HR leaders or their managers will have to give themselves the benefit of and learn from crucible experiences like global assignments, cross-functional rotations, process redesign, and digital transformation.

On the basis of experiences, career paths, and disciplinary background that incumbent HR leaders will have over the next few years, we are likely to see 3 profiles of Asian CHROs over the next decade:

  • Global business partners: leaders with deep HR expertise and a career spent in multinationals,
  • Business consiglieres: HR leaders who have spent the bulk of their career in business and made a midcareer switch to HR, and
  • New-age avatars: HR leaders in new-age enterprises and startups who also wear a business and technology hat.

How do incumbent leaders prepare for the future? In preparation for the future, we recommend that Asian HR leaders make 7 mind shifts. These are:

  • From Technology-shy to Technology-savvy
  • From Metrics to Insights
  • From Chief HR (Process) Officers to Chief Employee Experience Officers
  • From Doing-all to Doing-what-matters-most
  • From Inside-out to Outside-in
  • From Rule enforcers to Equal partners
  • From “Helpers” to “Doctors”

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  • Published March 1, 2017
  • 2 Minute Read

Based on Research by

Sunil Puri
Sunil Puri, MBA, MTech
Former Asia-Pacific Senior Director of Research, Innovation, and Product Development

Sunil led and managed research teams and initiatives in APAC and ASEAN / South Asia. He was responsible for leading research / product development around leadership and leadership development in the region and sharing our point of view with key stakeholders. His current research interests include Asian leadership, global leadership development, and cross-cultural influences.

Sunil led and managed research teams and initiatives in APAC and ASEAN / South Asia. He was responsible for leading research / product development around leadership and leadership development in the region and sharing our point of view with key stakeholders. His current research interests include Asian leadership, global leadership development, and cross-cultural influences.

Anand Chandrasekar
Anand Chandrasekar, PhD
Senior Research Faculty, APAC

Anand leads our Asia-focused leadership development research and evaluation practice, partnering with CCL staff and clients to identify leadership needs, design and deliver leadership development solutions, articulate leadership solution outcomes, and evaluate the solutions for impact and improvement. He’s passionate about creating access to early leadership development to improve lives and create lasting change.

Anand leads our Asia-focused leadership development research and evaluation practice, partnering with CCL staff and clients to identify leadership needs, design and deliver leadership development solutions, articulate leadership solution outcomes, and evaluate the solutions for impact and improvement. He’s passionate about creating access to early leadership development to improve lives and create lasting change.

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At the Center for Creative Leadership, our drive to create a ripple effect of positive change underpins everything we do. For 50+ years, we've pioneered leadership development solutions for leaders at every level, from community leaders to CEOs. Consistently ranked among the top global providers of executive education, our research-based programs and solutions inspire individuals at every level in organizations across the world — including 2/3 of the Fortune 1000 — to ignite remarkable transformations.

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