Lead With That

Looking for Leadership Lessons Through Current Events

Leadership lessons don’t need to be reserved for formal classroom and online trainings, they can be extracted from the stories we encounter every day. Join the Center for Creative Leadership’s Ren Washington and Allison Barr as they uncover and highlight the leadership lessons in today’s headlines and popular culture.

The Lead With That podcast is available on:

About the Podcast Hosts

Meet the hosts of our leadership podcast, bringing you fresh insights gleaned from today’s headlines.

Ren Washington

Ren Washington, MA

Ren is a Leadership Solutions Partner and co-host of our Lead With That podcast, which highlights the leadership lessons in today’s headlines and popular culture. He’s committed to helping people and organizations address their most challenging and complex issues around organizational change, innovation, resilience, equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI), and executive presence.

Allison Barr

Allison Barr, MBA, MAP

Allison is a Leadership Solutions Partner and co-host of our Lead With That podcast, which highlights the leadership lessons in today’s headlines and popular culture. She enjoys supporting clients with their most complex obstacles, from organizational change, to psychological safety, to the nuanced nature of equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI).


October 5, 2022

Instead of selling Patagonia and taking the company public, the brand has been given to a not-for-profit, with the goal of putting any profit not reinvested back into Patagonia toward fighting climate change. In this episode Allison and Ren talk about an organization’s role in doing

September 13, 2022

Tennis superstar Serena Williams is moving into venture capitalism as she takes a step back to focus on her family. There is so much leadership wisdom to glean from her: What philosophies guided her on way to success? How has her ability to bounce back shaped her? In this episode – part profile,