Beyond Bias™ Training

Overcoming Bias in the Workplace Requires Moving Beyond Awareness & Into Action

Equip your leaders to recognize and address both conscious and unconscious bias in the workplace.

What does it mean to have bias?

Bias is an intentional or unintentional preference for or against a specific group or individual. Bias occurs in part as a result of routine mental shortcuts that are made in our brains. Because of this, it’s actually possible to have bias without being fully aware of it, something known as unconscious bias.

It’s natural to assume the best intentions of your employees, but beware of labeling all workplace bias as unconscious — this mindset implies that bias and its effects are out of our control. Unintentional or not, bias in the workplace can still have very real consequences. Inaccurate beliefs can result in unfair treatment of others; unfavorable reactions; and reduced equity, diversity, and inclusion.

Recognizing the sources of bias is just the first step. To create a sustainable productive culture, you have to move beyond bias awareness and proactively take action to address it. But how do you create a realistic, effective roadmap for identifying and overcoming biases we all experience?

Beyond Bias™ is our answer to conventional implicit bias training. Tapping our decades of research and experience, this training is designed to help leaders identify habits around bias and take action to break them. We work with you to increase your team’s understanding and awareness of unconscious bias in the workplace, and provide practical tools your organization can use to protect against negative consequences.

Take Meaningful Action Toward Tackling Conscious & Unconscious Bias in the Workplace

Help Leaders at All Levels & Functions in the Work of Overcoming Bias

Imagine the potential of your organization when everyone is fully valued and invested, creating a more inclusive and unbiased culture. Improve engagement, motivation, and retention through increasing your team’s ability to create a culture of inclusion:

  • Gain deeper insight into what bias is and how it impacts all of us.
  • More quickly recognize the presence of their own biases and the biases of others.
  • Develop greater awareness of social identities and how they relate to bias.
  • Acquire tools and strategies for managing and overcoming bias.

Take on conscious and unconscious bias in the workplace by equipping your team with these skills. Learn more about our Beyond Bias™ solution — our research-based alternative to traditional implicit bias training.

Overcoming Bias Training — Choose Your Delivery Method

You Deliver

You can use our proven content to offer conscious and unconscious bias training across your organization:

Accelerate development across your entire organization with comprehensive access to content on overcoming bias and all our leadership topics and solutions

We Deliver

Or, we can incorporate overcoming bias as part of a larger leadership development initiative for your organization:

Combine Beyond Bias™ with other topic modules and interactive experiences to create a customized learning journey for your leaders

What Our Clients Are Saying

Organizations that have partnered with us for bias training consistently tell us the same thing: their experience with CCL made a significant impact on their culture.

But don’t just take our word for it — take theirs.

“This program taught me that even when we’re acting from our best intentions, we all have biases to one degree or another. I walked away with the ability to monitor my thoughts and actions more closely, which has been truly eye-opening. I also gained practical tools I started using right away, such as shifting my perspective and reaching out to better understand the social identities of the people I work with.”

Beyond Bias™ Training Program Participant

“It was an eye-opening experience to really think about not only the external characteristics that I identified with but also internal characteristics. It really showed me the uniqueness of each individual and impact we bring to our employer.”

Beyond Bias™ Training Program Participant

Let’s Discuss Implicit & Unconscious Bias Training Initiatives at Your Organization

Our experts are here to help. Let’s have a conversation about how our expertise and training content on workplace bias help to support your organization’s goals related to increasing equity, diversity, and inclusion.

Unconscious Bias in the Workplace: Research & Resources

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Organizations are prioritizing inclusion in their diversity efforts, but it must be executed well to achieve intended goals. Learn common pitfalls to avoid and steps you can take to be a more inclusive leader.

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In order to become better allies, we must focus on behaviors that help create more inclusive environments. Discover answers to commonly questions about allyship, and the role leaders can play.

Frequently Asked Questions About Bias Training

Overcoming bias in the workplace requires moving beyond awareness of unconscious bias and into taking action to address it. Increased globalization and diversification of the workforce — coupled with increased social demands for justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion — have made understanding and overcoming bias critical for anyone with leadership aspirations or responsibilities. Leaders must be able to create a realistic and effective roadmap for identifying bias in all its forms and dealing with it. In order to take meaningful action toward tackling conscious and unconscious bias in the workplace, organizations must equip their teams with skills, tools, and strategies to be able to recognize and respond to bias. At the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL), we offer a research-based answer to conventional implicit bias training, called Beyond Bias™, which can help organizations embed bias training into larger efforts toward making their cultures more equitable, diverse, and inclusive.

Overcoming unconscious bias in the workplace is essential for effective leadership, employee engagement, and creating an equitable and productive organization. A team’s potential is significantly boosted in an environment where everyone’s contributions are valued and people feel the organization is invested in their success. Because leaders make decisions that change lives — who is hired, promoted, or dismissed; where to invest resources; and what the future of their organizations will be — unconscious bias in the workplace is a leadership liability. Individuals and team members must increase their understanding and awareness of bias and implement practical tools to move beyond limiting perceptions. That’s why our training solutions are aimed at helping individuals and organizations move Beyond Bias™.  

Some of the most common workplace biases include harnessing inaccurate beliefs about an individual, based on their background or social identity group, or treating certain individuals or groups unfairly or in subtly discriminatory ways, based on assumptions, prejudice, or stereotypes. Even if unintentional, bias leads to real consequences. 

Our research-based Beyond Bias™ training solutions help organizations address bias and its consequences, whether it’s explicit or implicit, intentional or unintentional. Participants gain deeper insight into what bias is and how it impacts all of us. They will also be better equipped to quickly recognize the presence of their own biases, and develop greater awareness of social identities and how they relate to bias. Lastly, participants will acquire specific tools and strategies for managing and overcoming bias in the workplace. 

More questions? Our experts are here to help. Let’s have a conversation!

Other Topics Related to Overcoming Bias

Package our research-based content on overcoming bias into your organization’s unconscious bias training initiatives, and incorporate other proven leadership development topics and solutions for a customized, scalable solution perfect for your organization’s unique needs, context, and culture. Related topics include: