In my research survey, I will note assessment permission approval and credit the original assessment source.
I will use trademarks, service marks, and copyrights when appropriate.
I will put procedures into place to protect the content and integrity of copyright assessment materials from use by others, as well as protect the confidentiality of any data collected.
I will not share copyright content material with others without CCL approval.
I will not publish multiple items from each measure associated with copyrighted assessments. However, I understand that I can provide one example item per measure in the "measures" section of my paper.
I will give CCL the opportunity to review any papers or presentations resulting from this research before they are submitted for publication.
I will provide CCL with a copy of any papers resulting from the research upon completion of the project. This includes, but is not limited to, dissertations, journal articles, book chapters, conference papers, and electronic publications. When a paper is submitted for publication, a copy should be provided to CCL.
I understand that the copyright-holder retains ownership of the assessment content and that I am only granted permission to use the assessment content for my CCL-approved research as described in the proposal I submitted. If I wish to pursue another research project in the future involving an assessment, I will submit another request for proposal.