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Benchmarks® 360 Degree Assessments

Our pioneering suite of 360 leadership assessments will measure & benchmark critical competencies for success at your organization.

Having a complete picture of oneself is the first step toward growth. This self-awareness helps individuals recognize their strengths, identify areas for improvement, and set meaningful goals. Our industry-leading, award-winning Benchmarks® assessments pioneered the use of 360-degree feedback as a development tool. By systematically collecting perspectives about an individual’s performance from peers, direct reports, colleagues, and superiors, we can provide a complete view of a leader’s strengths and opportunities for growth.

“I credit a 360 assessment that I did through CCL with giving me the insights and tools to develop some of my soft skills.

And, importantly, it gave me a platform to truly understand my strengths, so that I can continue to build on them.”

Chad Orth

Chad Orth

Director of Sales

Benchmarks® 360 Leadership Assessments Suite

Our industry-leading Benchmarks® assessments include 4 research-based 360° assessment tools with a consistent reporting format to help organizations create a common leadership language and consistent feedback process across multiple leader levels.

  • Provides leaders with feedback on specific or critical leadership skills imperative to the function of their role in the organization
  • Helps individuals contextualize and compare their results to other leaders in similar roles
  • Starts the process of feedback-based individual development

This isn’t your typical employee performance and 360 assessment for leadership; it’s a thorough evaluation that provides the whole picture around the critical skills needed for success.

Benefits of Our Industry-Leading Benchmarks® 360 Assessments

Training Industry 2024 Top Company AwardSupported by more than 50 years of research, we are a top-ranked world leader in assessments that produce valid, reliable, and actionable results. Our Benchmarks® 360 assessments are the choice of industry-leading organizations because they provide:

  • Superior-quality normative data from one of the world’s largest leadership assessment databases
  • Numerous customization options for maximum flexibility and ease of use
  • Strict confidentiality for more accurate feedback
  • Global relevance and multiple languages available

CCL Compass™ Takes Your 360 Degree Leadership Assessment Insights Further

Our Benchmarks® 360 assessments also include access to CCL Compass™ to turn personal data into actionable insights and immediate next steps. This online tool analyzes, interprets, and presents Benchmarks® 360-degree assessment results in a concise and understandable way — so individuals can transition immediately from reviewing data to setting goals, creating action plans, and making positive changes. With CCL Compass™, the impact of your 360-degree assessment feedback goes even further, offering:

  • Convenience: On-demand answers to your leadership development questions
  • Clarity: Streamlined development goal-planning with precision and simplicity
  • Effectiveness: Improved motivation and better outcomes for both leaders and executive coaches
  • Accountability: Plan visibility and progress-tracking to share progress with coaches and others

Benchmarks® 360-Degree Assessment Tools & Solutions for Every Leader Level​

Benchmarks® for Executives™

Benchmarks® for Executives™ is a 360-degree assessment designed to address the specific issues of executives. Unlike other assessment instruments, our  Benchmarks® for Executives™ 360 specifically includes only senior-level leaders in the normative base, enabling you to measure and benchmark the skills and behaviors most needed at the top.

Benchmarks® for Managers™

Benchmarks for Managers™ is our flagship, comprehensive 360 assessment for mid- to upper-level managers that measures 16 critical leadership competencies, as well as 5 possible career derailers. This in-depth analysis of observable behaviors enables managers to measure and benchmark feedback on strengths and weaknesses in the areas most needed for success.

Benchmarks® by Design™

Measure what matters most at your organization with Benchmarks® by Design™, our customizable 360 leadership assessment that can be tailored to reflect the competencies most important to your organization. Choose from our extensive, research-based library of more than 90 competencies and derailment factors to design a targeted 360 assessment for leaders at all levels of your organization. 

What Our Clients Are Saying

At CCL, we measure success by lives touched and impact made. That’s why the organizations we work with and the leaders we transform consistently tell us the same thing: their experience with us is a game-changer. Our pioneering Benchmarks® 360 leadership assessments have helped to transform leaders and teams at many organizations.

But don’t just take our word for it — take theirs.

As part of a customized leadership development solution, Barclaycard included our 360 assessments and other personality measurement tools to help participants gain insights into their individual strengths, challenges, and behavior patterns. Participants learned strategies for giving and receiving feedback, influencing, communicating, and leveraging social capital as a leadership asset.

Working with Boehringer Ingelheim, we developed a multi-phased leadership development initiative focused on key competencies critical to the company’s future growth. Part of the initiative included having participants complete a number of 360-degree assessments to identify strengths they could leverage and competency gaps they needed to close.

“Self-assessments and 360-degree feedback were used in conjunction to give me insights into how my personality traits drove my behaviors and the impact those had on other people. This powerful self-knowledge… enabled me to deeply reflect.”

Alexis Pham

Regional Learning and Development Manager
British American Tobacco

“The 360 feedback has given me insight to my relationships with others. What I’ve learned has prepared me for better working relationships with others and for achieving goals and success by leveraging my strengths.”

Samuel Poon

Head of Store Systems (Asia), Group I.T.
A.S. Watson & Co

“The 360 degree feedback from your immediate reporting manager, superiors, peers, and subordinates, and the personalized coaching is beyond any comparison — makes the experience simply incredible and inimitable.”

Abhilasha Hans

Vice President
Bharti AirTel Ltd

“The 360 assessment and feedback coaching sessions helped me formulate an effective action plan to fine-tune my leadership style and behavior — from recent deep talks with my direct reports, it has proven effective!”

Thomas Lam

Assistant Finance Director
A.S. Watson & Co

Need More Information?

Download a Brochure

Explore our 360 leadership assessment selection guide.

Download a Sample Report

Preview samples of our 360° assessment feedback reports.

Find the Right 360 Degree Assessment for Your Leaders

Our experts are here to help. Let’s discuss how our pioneering, industry-leading suite of Benchmarks® 360 leadership assessments can support and extend your organization’s development initiatives.

360 Leadership Assessments: Research & Resources

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What skills are most needed to be an effective manager? Our researchers have identified the most critical leadership competencies, using our extensive database of 360 feedback on mid-level managers around the world.

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You know a 360-degree assessment provides valuable feedback on your job performance from multiple perspectives. But do you know how to interpret it so you get the most out of your 360 results?

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High-quality 360 feedback is a powerful tool, and those who want tangible growth know that you have to know how to use it. Watch this webinar to discover how to maximize the impact of 360 assessments.

Frequently Asked Questions About Our 360 Assessments

CCL’s Benchmarks® 360 assessments are invaluable because they help leaders become more aware of their own strengths and opportunities for development and measure critical leadership competencies for success, via comprehensive feedback from others. Additionally, they enhance individual development by allowing leaders to compare their results with leaders in similar roles, drawing insights from one of the world’s largest leadership assessment databases.

A 360-degree assessment is a method that systematically collects feedback about an individual’s performance from peers, direct reports, colleagues, and superiors within the organization. Overall, it provides a comprehensive, 360-degree view of a leader’s strengths and opportunities for growth. Learn more about how to implement an organizational 360 feedback initiative.

A Benchmarks® assessment is a leadership assessment tool pioneered by the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL)® that helps leaders start the process of feedback-based individual development. Our suite of research-backed Benchmarks® 360 assessments provide leaders with personalized feedback on specific critical competencies that are vital to their success. In addition, our assessments do what their name suggests by providing a benchmark of how a leader is doing, as compared to a meaningful norm group. Our Benchmarks® 360 assessments include access to CCL Compass™ as well, which helps leaders turn personal data into actionable insights and immediate next steps. 

More questions? Our experts are here to help. Let’s have a conversation!

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