Have a difficult colleague? Confrontation may seem scary, but when done correctly, it leads to positive outcomes for everyone involved. Here’s how to get the best results.
In the swirl of information and interactions, conflicts inevitably emerge in the workplace. When people come together, they bring differing perspectives, opinions, and motives. Sometimes disagreements arise and can’t be avoided.
And when that happens, your people will need to be able to show leadership through it. Yet dealing with conflict is a task many managers struggle with or even avoid.
So what can organizations do to help leaders manage and reduce conflicts? How can you help equip them to transform disagreement and discord into positive outcomes? Conflict resolution training can help. Conflict resolution can be learned, and conflict management skills can be improved through practice.
When handled properly, stepping up to conflict can help foster an atmosphere of creativity and innovation in the organization.
Give your leaders the skills to directly address conflict in a way that preserves or improves relationships, creates new opportunities, and increases productivity. Our conflict resolution training enables people to:
Start leading through conflict at your organization by equipping your team with these conflict resolution and management skills. We can deliver our world-class, research-backed content to them — or you can.
You can use our proven content to deliver a workshop or internal training on conflict resolution for leaders either online or in person, whichever you prefer:
Deliver targeted training to key leaders or small groups — leverage our content on conflict resolution to host a half-day leadership development workshop
Accelerate development across your entire organization with comprehensive access to conflict management course content and all our leadership topics and solutions
Or, we can incorporate it as part of a larger initiative for your organization:
Combine with other topic modules and interactive experiences into a customized learning journey
Our experts are here to help. Let’s have a conversation about and how our content on conflict management could help support your development initiatives.
Have a difficult colleague? Confrontation may seem scary, but when done correctly, it leads to positive outcomes for everyone involved. Here’s how to get the best results.
When workplace conflict is mismanaged, costs mount, many of which are difficult to quantify. In order to identify the real cost of conflict in your organization, consider these 7 factors.
Inevitably, leaders have to manage conflict — either between direct reports or with a colleague. These 6 tips will guide leaders through resolving conflict in the workplace.
Package our research-backed conflict management course content with other proven leadership development topics and solutions for a customized, scalable solution perfect for your organization’s unique needs, context, and culture. Related topics include: